Following a successful campaign in June and July, the Corn Farmers Coalition announced it will extend its summer campaign to educate policy makers in Washington, D.C.
Archive for the ‘Coalition News’ Category
Corn Farmers Coalition Returns to Nation’s Capital With Educational Program
Washington – For the third year in a row, our nation’s capital will learn about the U.S. family farmers who produce corn, our nation’s top crop, as part of the Corn Farmers Coalition program that debuts today at Union Station, an important venue for reaching policymakers inside “The Beltway.”
A Tale of Two Farmers
Originally published on Standing Out in the Field
There’s a guy in Illinois who’s a farmer. He farms 5000 acres of corn and soybeans over several areas. He is responsible for all of the business decisions for the operation, including which varieties to plant, when to sell what he harvests and for how much. His tractors [...]
Nebraska Family Farm the Norm Not the Exception
If you think the majority of farms today are large industrialized operations, think again. More than 90 percent of the corn grown in the United States comes from multi-generational family farms like the Borg Farm of Nebraska.
Farmer Best at Telling Their Own Story
Building off a successful campaign conducted across Nebraska a year ago, the Nebraska Corn Board has created a new series of messages that feature several Nebraska farm families sharing facts about how today’s corn farmers are more sustainable than ever.
Director’s Cut: Farm Visits: No Boots Needed
Each day I marvel at the multi-generational aspects of our nation’s family farms and the challenges they face to stay productive, profitable and responsive to consumers demands. Balancing our needs for abundant safe food, produced without expanding acreage, and pulling it off with increasingly less environmental impact is a true American success story. I saw [...]
A Conversations with Farmers Featured in CFC Ads
John and Sue Adams, family farmers from Atlanta, Illinois, recently discussed the joys and challenges of farming along with their involvement as one of the farm families featured in the Corn Farmers Coalition Advertising campaign with Todd Gleason of WILL Radio in Champaign, Illinois.
Corn Farmers Coalition to Provide Facts on Modern Family Farms
Contact: Mark Lambert - 314-210-6138
Washington - The Corn Farmers Coalition announced today they will return to Washington this summer with a major educational program aimed at policymakers and opinion leaders who affect the fate of America’s family corn farmers. ”The vast majority of farms in America, and 95 percent of corn farms specifically, continue to [...]
Director’s Cut: Who Care’s For the Land?
Now, as always, corn growers understand meeting the demands of a growing world market cannot come at the expense of ecological health, human safety or economic viability. True sustainability encompasses environmental, economic and social factors, and farmers are doing a wonderful job.